An invitation to expand your mind by gently sinking into the depths of your heart.

In this interactive blog, we invite you to come as you are and experience a natural interplay as our offering of words are received by the innate creator of your inner state of being. It’s in invitation to look inside your Self to engage with and move into the enlivened awareness of our Selves; and then if you’re curious, to go a little further.
The pragmatic desire to give you the most useful and readily accessible experience has us dividing these blog posts into 5 levels. Having a level 1-5 system doesn’t necessarily mean that you have to start at level 1 or work up to level 5. Instead, it is a gentle nod to the glorious diversity that we experience within our state of being from day to day. Just as physical activity can be fulfilling by both walking on the beach or running a marathon, mental activity can find fulfillment by being brought close to a state of stillness just as much as it can in an amplified state of of incredible inspiration. There is a continuum of this activity that can be initiated by your mood, level of energy and orientation of the planets. There are many more factors at work within your state of being and perception, and as you learn to read your personal factors, we offer cataloged words to join you in your exploration. Here’s how it works:

Activity level:

  • Are vignettes, stories and anecdotal musings; with perhaps a “moral of the story” sprinkled throughout.
  • An invitation for gentle introspection, the first few steps of the movement within.
  • An awakening to your inner sense of being, often through guided meditation within the practice of presence.
  • A joining together in the familiarity of the “still state” of being, which naturally results in the vibrant mind activity and creative energy.
  • A salutation to our shared highest state, which is always in a place of being and in which anything is possible.
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